Just a reminder to not let Lemmy be your echo chamber. Most people either don’t know about the shit we care about, or don’t care.
Unfortunately, it will probably get worse.
Just a reminder to not let Lemmy be your echo chamber. Most people either don’t know about the shit we care about, or don’t care.
Unfortunately, it will probably get worse.
That’s a fucking dream. People don’t react to reality. They react to their perceptions. And everything has been tee’d up for the Trump regime to dictate the perception of the mass of Americans who don’t follow politics or don’t care, in addition to already controlling the perceptions of their party-line goons.
Trump, like Hitler, will be able to run the country into the ground, and still have majority support a decade after everything has been turned to rubble.
People are going to feel the devastating effects. I never said people would be able to properly attribute that feeling to the accurate causes. Like you say, they will attribute it to whatever they are told to.