We all know automakers want to keep tabs on their cars. Stolen vehicle tracking? Sure. Fleet management? Fine. Microphone eavesdropping to serve more ads? Hate it, but OK, that’s a thing. Hold onto your tin-foil hats: Ford just filed a patent for something that takes vehicle tracking into full-blown Twilight Zone territory. Always-On Tracking… In Your Car, or Somebody Else’s.

  • The Pantser@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Wish I could figure out how to do that in my 2020 Pacifica. That fucker has pop up weather alerts that never stop. Idk why the car thinks it needs to tell me the weather. I am driving maybe I am driving away from that. Or you know I ALREADY know the weather because I use a phone. My car has no business having a pop up with the weather.