geez I forgot about the cybersecurity open door.
Stunning? Don’t you mean predictable? Trump has been a puppet for Russia the entire time. He takes Russia’s side every chance he gets! How is this not obvious at this point?
He’s putin’s bitch. It couldn’t be more obvious.
Pro-putin, not “putin friendly”. This is why we are in this mess. The Press is not standing up for America or Americans.
Well, that is exactly what a Russian agent in the White House would do on Putins command, wouldn’t it?
I swear Putin’s got something on him, but I can’t imagine what. It doesn’t seem like there’s any horrible thing that Trump could have done that his cult couldn’t spin into a positive.
Or it could be there’s a profit angle to this like there is to almost everything he does.
I honestly don’t think Putin needs to have anything on Trump to explain this behaviour. The man just likes strongman rulers, pure and simple
He and his cult don’t know the difference between a strongman and a strong man.
I really don’t think Putin has anything on him, in the conventional sense. Putin simply has Trump figured out. Trump is insecure, petty, and attention-seeking. Simply give him the attention his father never gave him (and some cash), and he will do anything you say. But it’s not about the money, it’s about the attention.
In particular, I think the pee tape doesn’t exist, and both Trump and Putin know it. But Putin keeps the rumor alive, because he knows how much it plays into Trump’s paranoia. If Trump knows this one thing that some in the media keeps pumping is false, it makes it easier for him to dismiss it all.
The thing that amazes me is that Trump could have called Putin’s bluff on Inauguration Day 2016.
Whatever kompromat Putin had, the CIA would have “proved” fake in 24 hours.
Team Rocket could have figured that out.
The reason he didn’t do that is that he craves Putin’s approval more than that of anyone in the USA.
Isn’t Putin most likely the richest man on earth. Or at least very newer the top.
The second he looks weak his own buddies will tear him apart.
Make no mistake, Putin is the only one pulling the strings here.
I’ve been told since about 2015 how improper and invalid it is to point out the ties between Bronzo the Clown and Russia, because it’s a “hoax” and so on.
And that was much of the left, many Enlightened Centrists and most definitely a lot of the “liberal media”, LOL, nevermind the completely-unhinged hard right.