• anon6789@lemmy.world
      3 days ago

      The Ruger was a bit of a surprise. The Taurus was not. They have a pretty bad history for this. Both are striker fired semi autos, which are more mechanically complex than a revolver. The only revolver recall I saw this millennium was for a Rossi, which is also owned by Taurus. If there wasn’t a plant in Georgia, I’d think they’d have been banned from import by now from the massive PT series recall.

      Also “article of clothing” isn’t the best holster option, and likely increases the odds of injuring one’s self much more than even the worst pistol to make it out the factory door.

      I could be wrong of course, but if I had to put money on either him shooting himself and making a corny excuse vs even the cheapest gun on the market going off from a 2 foot fall, I’d feel very confident putting my money on his index finger. The gun in a shoe and then forgetting about the gun in the shoe don’t paint this guy as the safest character.