There is a list of known kellogs products if you go down the menu 👍
There is a list of known kellogs products if you go down the menu 👍
It’s a tiered strategy and works with the idea that a lot of people haven’t ever tried boycotts. Once they see they’re part of something the movement grows stronger. Empower people don’t comply in advance.
For me I am already permanently boycotting all of these you mentioned. For others it is not that easy and takes TIME and EFFORT. Support or don’t but why be against good change even if it’s little bits at a time? Do you not want to see people try or join? This is the beginning point not the end.
What point you are missing is that these corporations are still scared we will organize. Look at how tiktok affected people’s views on Gaza. You saw how fast they took control of an app as opposed to the countless problems they could actually be fixing. Getting people used to a different way of life takes time and small acts/habits.
I am aware of how larger boycotts make bigger differences. Those larger boycotts started in smaller groups and spread because people got on board. How are you helping when you tell people it won’t work?
This is the way.
This is part of what the defeatists are missing. Real movements take time.
You being negative instead of constructive shows how defeated you are. Rise up with us and do your part when/where you can. No one is going to give people who have to get medication or buy formula today a hard time. It’s not about the small impact this might make today it’s about people coming together to make change long term. Hope this helps!
Billionaires aren’t scared of losing a few dollars but they are terrified of people organizing. Look how fast they got rid of tiktok!