I mean yes, but that’s why it’s important we push back hard for leftist unity and use propaganda-like approaches to simplify the message into easier to digest chunks for everyone else.
I think it’s fair to say nazis and imperialists/colonizers/fascists/insert-word-for-oppressors-here are a common enemy we can fight against, and access to housing/food/healthcare/etc. are basic human rights.
Theory is great and all but semantics between ourselves can happen after action. It’s a small start but the economic blackouts seemed to break through to the wider populace a bit - I’ve had loved ones who were aware/tried that are otherwise pretty embedded into corpo ecosystems and they didn’t even hear about it from me.
TL;DR: Yes, but “apes together strong.” We can break stereotypes and now’s our chance to reach outward too.
If this isn’t already a copypasta it should be preserved as one. This is glorious