Not sure what all to include here but the pool set up in Proxmox as RAIDZ2 with lz4 compression.
64GB DDR5 that is showing low utilization the entire time. It has never gone over 10GB usage.
I have not done any tuning or enabled jumbo frames on samba
Both machines are sitting next to one another and connected to a 2.5Gb switch that is also connected to my router’s 1Gb ports. From what I gather, they shouldn’t need to communicate through the router since they’re on the same subnet and everything.
I haven’t installed any drivers, but another user suggested using the ethtool command on the NIC and it’s showing a 2.5Gb connection speed.
The windows machine has a Realtec RTL8125B 2.5Gb PCIe network card that I just purchased for this purpose. Previously I was using the motherboards built in 1Gb NIC. I have installed the driver for this on the windows machine.
I suspect it is something wrong or misconfigured in the container because I can reliably reproduce this issue by doing one transfer and getting 100MB/s and always on the second (or additional) transfer getting 10MB/s until I restart the container.