One day people will realize that you can make money when the stock market goes down
Causing it to go down is much easier than making it go up
Smart people looking to make money on a declining market told him some “smart” stuff to do. He believes it is smart. It is smart for the people that profit. Just hurts so many.
He believes he is special, like some kind of perfect business man where the “deals” always get done and work out in the end for him.
He has been used his whole life like a rich monkey to make others money thinking he was the brains behind the whole operation
One day people will realize that you can make money when the stock market goes down
Causing it to go down is much easier than making it go up
Smart people looking to make money on a declining market told him some “smart” stuff to do. He believes it is smart. It is smart for the people that profit. Just hurts so many.
He believes he is special, like some kind of perfect business man where the “deals” always get done and work out in the end for him.
He has been used his whole life like a rich monkey to make others money thinking he was the brains behind the whole operation