that must be terrifying.
that must be terrifying.
One of those people who don’t put up with your garbage?
Yes, I’m one of those.
there’s no pivot here, I’m directly addressing your specific problem with the availability of free and critical services, which are separate from the option to donate to the organization offering free and critical services if you are willing and able.
this thread is about a petition influencing Congressional action to impeach Donald Trump, a critical and free service that you can participate in.
libraries similarly offer a critical and free service that you can participate in.
neither of them require your money, but both of them accept donations.
you are arguing that nobody should participate in political action, and by extension borrow books from libraries, because those organizations accept donations.
that is weird.
you seem to be angry at libraries for offering a free, positive and critical social service that you don’t have to pay for, while also accepting donations if you have the ability and inclination.
that is a weird focus.
you can be part of important political action here without paying the committee that is going through the trouble of organizing and campaigning this political action.
The political action itself is free for you to participate in, while political organizations in general, a separate issue, accept donations if you have the money and inclination.
All political campaigns have costs and pay their employees.
you are under no obligation to pay in order to sign a petition and take political action against an absolutely terrible person.
“If ActBlue did anything worthwhile at all with the money they are donated, then we wouldn’t be here responding in this thread right now, right?”
absolutely incorrect, foundationally and fundamentally.
you are arguing that the Allies shouldn’t resist the axis because if the Allies are worth anything than the axis would never have come to power, which is not correct. of course they should fight an authoritarian regime executing civilians and trying to take over Europe.
yeah, you don’t need anywhere near that many signatures for Congress to take action.
but with rump being such an actively terrible president, it’s not surprising they got so many signatures in only a few weeks.
not to sign the petition.
it’s a legitimate petition that you don’t have to pay anything to sign.
very good point, thanks for reminding everyone.
“tiny cracks” is an incorrect objective statement.
Nationwide movements, billions of dollars and presidential policy halts are objectively not “tiny cracks”.
“tiny cracks compared to the size of…”, is an example of a relative statement, which was not said in the original comment.
they later changed what they said, trying to change their original, incorrect statement.
doesn’t work for them when they have a public comment history, of course.
““Big” or “small” is relative, which was exactly my original point.”
you are incorrect.
your original point was that the cracks showing in Trump’s administration were tiny cracks, which is objectively false.
then you changed it to say that the cracks were relatively tiny compared to a vague, unquantifiable overwhelming opposition, which is a different comparison (those are the goal posts you changed), which is also objectively untrue, as shown above.
now you are pretending that an objective statement is the same as a relative statement, which it objectively is not.
you don’t have to hide behind reinterpreting what you said; accept your mistake and move on.
“that’s all the interest I have in arguing with someone about this.”
obviously untrue, as you concocted a reimagining of events and posted them.
“I am not talking to you” he claims, talking to you.
despite changing the goal posts, you are still incorrect; your uninformed anxiety is why I have to be realistic.
You are incorrect. A nationwide movement of judges, lawyers and activists actively halting the President’s will and chosen policy is not a “tiny crack”. Billions of dollars redirected is not a “tiny crack”.
“tiny cracks” like dozens of judges blocking presidential executive orders and blocking administrative Nationwide policy.
tiny cracks like your own party turning against you, like literally Nationwide protests and civil rights union suing the presidential administration?
those are not little cracks, and it is ignorant and meaning a few to pretend that they are.
those Resistance movements are very clear demonstrations that everybody, even the extremists think Trump is harmful.
no one talked about complacency before you did.
there are cracks, these are the facts. you don’t have to caution against things that are not happening, you have to recognize what is happening and deal with the reality there.
there are cracks. The Supreme Court just ruled against Rump again, has approval rating is already diving, Republicans are protesting against rump, there are literally Nationwide protests with tens of thousands of people, and judges all over the country are blocking rump policies.
there are cracks, don’t pretend here.
20 to 30% have some form of complications, it’s particularly severe in the vulnerable, very young, very old and compromised immune systems.
I don’t think that includes the general weakened immune system that a lot of people experience after the measles, children apparently lose 12 to 73% of their antibodies following a mild measles infection.
it’s highly transmissible, 9 out of 10 people who are exposed and unvaccinated will get it.
there are a ton of stats and a ton of complications that can occur with measles, so it’s difficult to find one comprehensive number for everything, but everyone who is unvaccinated will probably get it after less than 90% of the population is vaccinated, 20 to 30% will develop complications, a lot of those are going to be permanent. and even the temporary complications can last for years.
We don’t have more recent data because it was eradicated so rapidly in 3 years after the vaccine was introduced, but prospects sure don’t look good for dumb families and whichever population they’re poisoning.
the lifelong disabilities will be awful
very excited for the US to get sidelined.
it’s needed a wake-up call for a while