Woke is anything they don’t like. If they have to describe it, it’s minorities and women having equal opportunities. Saying woke makes them sound like less of an asshole to people not willing to go beyond surface level conversations.
Woke is anything they don’t like. If they have to describe it, it’s minorities and women having equal opportunities. Saying woke makes them sound like less of an asshole to people not willing to go beyond surface level conversations.
That’s awesome ! My dad had a Renault back in the 70s air cooled…which is super weird for living in middle of nowhere. He overheated it eventually haha
I was very lucky in that I can repair most cars. It’s a lot harder now. Before I had a real job, all my vehicles cost less than 3k. If you learn what to look for and to stay safe (brakes, tires) you shouldn’t really be in danger with a used car. Now in an accident, some ass in a 30 foot tall dodge truck will kill you, but that’s kind of unavoidable even if you’re on the sidewalk
Stop buying new cars until they remove this bullshit. We can go 40 years with existing cars without buying a single new one.
I’m going to take a wild stab and guess you listen to pop/rap? Understandable why you’d not like classical. I can’t stomach any pop/rap save for a few 90s artists. Whenever I hear it its just gross and non musical to me (Deltron 3030 not included). Ive also never been into lyric focused music unless it has more than an annoying single bass note and 16th note hihats behind it. Classical is interesting for musicians, and it’s proven in studies to be healthy for your mind. But yeah you don’t have to like it!