Oh, so NOW we’re giving him credibility? Trusting what he says?
Oh, so NOW we’re giving him credibility? Trusting what he says?
Impeachment lost all meaning long long ago
Lmao the word “race”. Can’t have a race to the bottom? What about a race against time? Against each other?
Gee whiz what else is on this list
Hahaha “diversify” “women” “female” “historically” “belong” Jesus fuckin Christ. These are all completely normal words
If anything can get this guy to change his overall tune, it’s the money of his broligarchs
Yeah it’s funny that MAGA assholes are butthurt, but this also signals that “ThE LeFt” just does not understand a big part of why they lost: they have consistently ignored middle-class non-urban voices, for decades. (And not just “Hollywood types” like Hanks, I mean political leadership)
If political leadership and strong policymaking had been there for a majority of Americans for a long time, maybe just maybe by the 2010s the dumbass dick-swingin’ rapist grifter wouldn’t have found such a nice pile of grievances to conveniently turn to his advantage.
Greedflation and astoundingly incompetent leadership?? Whoever knew??