it was a response to someone saying vandalism isn’t nice.
and to be fair; they are nazi not-so-dog-anymore-whistle cars.
it was a response to someone saying vandalism isn’t nice.
and to be fair; they are nazi not-so-dog-anymore-whistle cars.
why the hell didn’t you vote for delacruz? she’s electable if you vote for her. maybe you should have fallen in line and sided with the people you claim are your natural god damn allies after your candidate went obviously senile and clearly couldn’t win?
ONE member of the democratic party acted appropriately for a parliamentary resistance. one. and I would argue it’s several years late.
if they were serious about this, the white house lawn would have been covered in gallows on january 7th. trump would have run from prison. nazi groups would have been hunted by feds like they were fucking communists who’d just blown up a pipeline. every day of the biden administration would have had FBI kill teams slaughtering groipers who’d fled to argentina or some crap.
they didn’t do any of that, because they were not serious. they don’t care. they are not and will not ever be the resistance. please please wake up. please fight. we need you.
look up your local water treatment infrastructure. look up all the suppliers, and their suppliers, so you know who to talk to when you’re the last thing between your city and mass dysentery. maybe get some reserve chemicals and commonly broken parts, if you can afford it.
and figure out how to keep your local nazis from destroying all the infrastructure. they love doing that shit.
we don’t need the democrats. they will never step up. they have had so many chances. if anyone remembers the 2000 election, you’ll know that this is all kind of their fault. they won an election, and gave it up because the nazis threw a fucking fit.
if you want leadership, pick up a fucking banner. you are the government now. and you should be fucking pissed about that.
totally yes that’s exactly what im doing 🙄. you are a world class me-understander.
it’s not kind to hang nazis either. it’s cool and necessary, though.
almost like laws are just made up excuses, and the points don’t matter.
almost like money is just a fake bullshit excuse, and hasn’t had more than a thin cracked patina of ‘tracking who created value’ since at LEAST fractional reserve banking, if ever.
no, it makes sense. devaluing human life, and spreading the idea that sometimes the weak just die, with nothing anyone can do about it, is very much something they want to do. plus, burying your children is one hell of a sunk cost.
that’s not to say she’s cognitively functional, but that’s why her masters won’t put their foot down.
if he’d stuck to calling them weird and attacking them, maybe it wouldn’t have been useless. but they dropped that, tried to buddy up with the fascists, and brought on insane endorsements like fucking liz cheney.
if they’d run sanders/walz, even late after biden convinced even party leadership that he couldn’t win, they would have crushed that shit with historic numbers.
if they had let a palestinian talk, or given the most mild ‘please tone down the genocide shit’ they might’ve had a chance.
it was like they were trying to lose at every step. truly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.