There will be some struggles but nobody is going down, there is a big difference between trying to overthrow a government and actually doing it
There will be some struggles but nobody is going down, there is a big difference between trying to overthrow a government and actually doing it
Good luck ever defining positive and negative or quantifying them
Most people think that someone telling them the reality(objectively and calmly) that directly affects them is a negative thing because they willingly choose to live in an illusion and then act shocked and appalled when something truly negative happens although they’re fully aware they could have prevented it
Although game theory is a very useful tool the input that you use has little to no connection with reality which make the results close to fiction
Feel free to reply with something “positive” to “prove” your point but keep in mind it’s almost all in your head, 99% placebo
That’s what I meant by struggles
You make it sound like the US will be completely erased from existence, that’s not how reality works, countries don’t just disappear, they change and sometimes into multiple smaller countries but they’re the same people and I think that’s the most important defining factor of a country.
I agree that such a change will have a negative short term impact but if everybody goes to protests, apply civil disobedience and maybe a general strike the risk of violence goes way the fuck down and the only dangers are the ones from lack of resources and rapid spread of illness but these will be fixed long term