Suppose there’s a cockroach colony in a residential building. Separating it into few parts is not going to do much good. If you mean that by collapse - same elites retaining power - then it’s just not good enough.
And if you mean removing them, rich natural resources have proven to be good for those who have them and bad for those who don’t, so no.
Turning it into a real federation or even confederation - yes. Like Germany.
No, death is erasure of information. He’s head of state. He should be convicted in court and be put in jail.
Also showing that a head of state will be held accountable and then put behind bars is very useful, it’s a treasure that shouldn’t be destroyed by lynching.
Even in EU high-level politicans and bureaucrats already behave as if they can’t be convicted for real crimes (scandals of the “he has a second apartment with nice door” are not that, I mean criminal decisions on post and assisting kickoff schemes, things legal only because there’s nobody to judge officially otherwise, like surveillance legislations, and such). That’s very dangerous, they should always remember they are not immune, neither in theory nor in practice.
This is the same with all of Russia’s government. They shouldn’t be just banned from working in such positions again, shouldn’t be lynched or something, deprived of stolen properties. They should be thoroughly investigated and convicted accordingly.
Because otherwise it’ll be just another change of leadership of a pirate colony, like in Syria. The king is dead - long live the king. No. These people should be shown to not be kings, just citizens who got too far, which shouldn’t happen again.