Viewers are flocking to “independent” media that serves up a never-ending stream of anti-Trump content. But this stuff is intellectual poison and may even help the right.

    18 hours ago

    On the Media is fine, but I have a strong and deep distaste for “manufactured consent” experience which is NPR. Its prob the take that would get me most heavily down-voted most heavily. It was January 2015, and NPR ran some segment which was basically an explainer on why no one should bother running in the DNC primary that cycle because obviously Hillary should and will be the nominee, and would just wipe the floor with any Republican. I remember how idiotic they sounded, considering that even then , Hillary was just about the worst candidate you could have ever ran.

    I have a special hole in my heart just for hating on NPR. I think its been one of the most destructive forces in American politics because it creates the illusion, the sensation of understanding without anything to back it up. It makes you feel like you are smarter than you actually are, just like pod-save. Its a pro-corporate narrative (I mean just listen to who gets the sponsor spots) with a veneer of “Americanism” and centrism, as if its just L v R and we’ll still go to bed under the same sheets. The world is an existential and material fight for existence and NPR creates the sensation in people that they are doing something, that they are involved in something, when they are not. Its like the DNC. It stands in where something real should be.