At this point the dems seem to have little option but to allow trump to destroy everything at lightning speed or drag it out. Maybe a short sharp shock will wake up the stupid half of the US citizenry.
Oops, did I use the naughty w word?
Maybe I should use the term ‘not-sleep’?
I’m only donating to progressives, notably AOC.
I’ve unsubbed from most Democratic lists.
I get the sneaking suspicion that all the “but both parties are the same people” are going to end up kind of right – but maybe not in the way they thought.
From my vantage point, there is only rich vs poor. Any other ideological divide either a) has been worsened by rich vs poor, or b) was invented to keep attention away from rich vs poor, à la divide and conquer.
OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD (Nov 8th, 1964) – Senator Underwood was a top contender for the Democrat presidential nomination in 1924. However, he obeyed his conscience by speaking out against the Ku Klux Klan, one of the Democrat Party’s most powerful forces.
His courageous stand cost him the presidential nomination and then his senate seat
Recall them all. Democrats refuse to learn and won’t step down, recalls are our best shot at getting non-corrupt representation.
Less than half of US states allow recalls of state representatives and the constitution prevents recall of any federal Congress person by states. We can’t.
If an elected official dies in office, there is a special election to fill their seat.
Just saying… 😏
Wonder how that would work
According to the constitution, it wouldn’t.