You are a complete a total dumbass if you thought he was on your side.
No one in the dem party thinks trump was on their side in any way. But they also thought Biden/Harris was a rabid dog that it was important for the parties future to put down (rhetorically). Nobody owes fascism or fascism-lite a vote, and I demand better from dems if they want to continue to exist as a party at all. Centrist leaders are not kings who get to make choices like aiding terrorism and murder, and then walk away without accountability.
Not only was no one in the centrist camp doing anything for the peace vote (the anti genocide side), by shipping weapons the centrists were actively and violently acting against the human rights side and the law. Did you think you were siding with neutrality? The DNC has not been neutral in this at all. They are abetting genocide and terrorism, and violating numerous US laws and the geneva convention.
Besides the muslim vote, the youth and progressive votes were heavily influenced by this issue, and their votes were right there for the taking. The Republicans were always going to be violent and corrupt, but people had higher expectations for Dems, so Dems taking those AIPAC bribes had consequences. This seems obvious to so many but you just refuse to see that you’re siding with the baddies, not some sort of neutral crowd you could make better someday.
And do you somehow feel powerful calling people dumbasses? Its against the TOS here and you lost along with the rest of us. Its pathetic that even in utter failure you are all mouth and contrived nonsense that your side has clean hands and was trying to do the right thing.
It’s hilarious how you talk about how simple and easy it all is when you quite clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.
Everything you listed, the Republicans are guilty of by a far larger margin. The difference is that dems were talking about two state solutions while Trump quite literally was telling Bibi to turn Gaza into a goddamn parking lot. (And that’s just the most obvious clue you’re saying nothing of value lol)
I especially enjoyed you attempting to mount your high horse after this piss-poor attack by mentioning the break in TOS when the OP is talking in general and is not attacking a single person. It’s okay to say “people who think x, or do y are dumb”.
If anything, you’re the one breaking TOS:
Do not engage in name calling, ad hominem attacks, or any other uncivil behaviour. Criticize ideas, never people.
You using the threat of TOS can be seen as ad hominem as a way to delegitimize the comment you replied to.
This article was about deerborn residents who are Muslim, justifying voting for trump. So these people voted for the party who did things way worse than Democrats and that’s utterly meaningless? Can’t wait to hear the response.
Having your entire extended family disappeared over a period of a month is not significantly better than having them disappeared over a course of a day.
That isn’t hyperbole.
I personally know 2 people that that happened too.
Expecting people to vote for the people that did that to them, and then getting mad at them when they don’t vote is some of the stupidest “I don’t have empathy and don’t even want to try imagining myself in their position, even though I’m going to say I did.” bullshit ever.
Yes it is, it is an exaggerated claim that you have just said “trust me bro.” That is as close as you can get to hyperbole.
Also, again this isn’t your opportunity to grandstand about your vote not being earned, I’m sure it was a tough time for you, but I’m actually asking a question that has yet to be answered.
And no, it isn’t hyperbole. It happened. If you know any Palestinians at all, and you bothered to show an ounce of human decency and asked them about it, you’d probably find out was true for you, too.
If you had half a braincell you would realize that being argumentive and condescending will only drive people away from the Palestinian plight. Bringing up shit you cannot prove also really does not help your cause either.
Again I’ve made a point you have, yet again, failed to address, so like most lemmy users you find the opportunity to grandstand about your cause instead of having a discussion.
I mean look at your comments man, if the conversation gets even remotely close to that, you drive the conversation toward your own personal issues. I know you’re hurting but you aren’t helping your cause at all.
Again I want to point out, the points I made have no been addressed.
No one in the dem party thinks trump was on their side in any way. But they also thought Biden/Harris was a rabid dog that it was important for the parties future to put down (rhetorically). Nobody owes fascism or fascism-lite a vote, and I demand better from dems if they want to continue to exist as a party at all. Centrist leaders are not kings who get to make choices like aiding terrorism and murder, and then walk away without accountability.
Not only was no one in the centrist camp doing anything for the peace vote (the anti genocide side), by shipping weapons the centrists were actively and violently acting against the human rights side and the law. Did you think you were siding with neutrality? The DNC has not been neutral in this at all. They are abetting genocide and terrorism, and violating numerous US laws and the geneva convention.
Besides the muslim vote, the youth and progressive votes were heavily influenced by this issue, and their votes were right there for the taking. The Republicans were always going to be violent and corrupt, but people had higher expectations for Dems, so Dems taking those AIPAC bribes had consequences. This seems obvious to so many but you just refuse to see that you’re siding with the baddies, not some sort of neutral crowd you could make better someday.
And do you somehow feel powerful calling people dumbasses? Its against the TOS here and you lost along with the rest of us. Its pathetic that even in utter failure you are all mouth and contrived nonsense that your side has clean hands and was trying to do the right thing.
It’s hilarious how you talk about how simple and easy it all is when you quite clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.
Everything you listed, the Republicans are guilty of by a far larger margin. The difference is that dems were talking about two state solutions while Trump quite literally was telling Bibi to turn Gaza into a goddamn parking lot. (And that’s just the most obvious clue you’re saying nothing of value lol)
I especially enjoyed you attempting to mount your high horse after this piss-poor attack by mentioning the break in TOS when the OP is talking in general and is not attacking a single person. It’s okay to say “people who think x, or do y are dumb”.
If anything, you’re the one breaking TOS:
You using the threat of TOS can be seen as ad hominem as a way to delegitimize the comment you replied to.
Thats utterly meaningless.
Elaborate please.
This article was about deerborn residents who are Muslim, justifying voting for trump. So these people voted for the party who did things way worse than Democrats and that’s utterly meaningless? Can’t wait to hear the response.
Having your entire extended family disappeared over a period of a month is not significantly better than having them disappeared over a course of a day.
That isn’t hyperbole.
I personally know 2 people that that happened too.
Expecting people to vote for the people that did that to them, and then getting mad at them when they don’t vote is some of the stupidest “I don’t have empathy and don’t even want to try imagining myself in their position, even though I’m going to say I did.” bullshit ever.
Yes it is, it is an exaggerated claim that you have just said “trust me bro.” That is as close as you can get to hyperbole.
Also, again this isn’t your opportunity to grandstand about your vote not being earned, I’m sure it was a tough time for you, but I’m actually asking a question that has yet to be answered.
You know nothing about how I voted.
Stop assuming bullshit.
And no, it isn’t hyperbole. It happened. If you know any Palestinians at all, and you bothered to show an ounce of human decency and asked them about it, you’d probably find out was true for you, too.
That’s what happens in a fucking genocide.
If you had half a braincell you would realize that being argumentive and condescending will only drive people away from the Palestinian plight. Bringing up shit you cannot prove also really does not help your cause either.
Again I’ve made a point you have, yet again, failed to address, so like most lemmy users you find the opportunity to grandstand about your cause instead of having a discussion.
I mean look at your comments man, if the conversation gets even remotely close to that, you drive the conversation toward your own personal issues. I know you’re hurting but you aren’t helping your cause at all.
Again I want to point out, the points I made have no been addressed.