no? Then it’s really up to the American people to grow up.
… or man up and let California secede. “One nation, indivisible” was cool while “liberty and justice for all” was also true. You can’t eat your states and still have them, so they’re like cake in that respect.
no? Then it’s really up to the American people to grow up.
… or man up and let California secede. “One nation, indivisible” was cool while “liberty and justice for all” was also true. You can’t eat your states and still have them, so they’re like cake in that respect.
It’s really time for the two party system to die before the nation does.
Videos on Electoral Reform
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
STAR voting
Alternative vote
Ranked Choice voting
Range Voting
Single Transferable Vote
Mixed Member Proportional representation
That’s an excellent plan. And then we crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?
Liberty and justice for all has literally never once been true in this country.