With Congress largely unwilling or unsure how to challenge Trump, federal judges and foreign leaders have emerged as key opponents to his policies.
Judges have blocked actions they deem unlawful, while world leaders have publicly corrected or rebuked Trump on trade and foreign policy.
Canadian, French, and British leaders have pushed back against his claims, signaling growing tensions.
Meanwhile, Democrats struggle to mount effective opposition but are beginning to focus on key issues, especially healthcare.
Meanwhile, Democrats struggle to mount effective opposition but are beginning to focus on key issues, especially healthcare.
Democtats once again bring a soup ladle to a gun fight.
What exactly should they be doing? Republicans currently have the trifecta. Democratic opposition has managed a threat of a shutdown. That’s something.
This was years and years in the making. Many of which Democrats held more power. Basically they governed so poorly for so long, some Americans felt like voting for this kind of change was their best option.
You may want some examples of stuff that people may think needs to change:
- We have an immigration approach so terrible, it has left millions of people without a path to be here legally
- The perception of ineffency across Federal agencies (which is fair if you’ve ever had to weight for VA services, sit in a social security office or try to get global entry)
- The overall sense that the rich are getting richer while most Americans fall behind
What fight?
All of them.
Goddamnit, “healthcare” is the fucking least of our worries right now!
not excusing the bullshit fecklessness of the average corporate democrat, but medicare, medicaid and social security have pretty broad support. its a component of the pushback.
at the two most recent protests I have been to, signs about this get the most interest from passers-by. jus’ sayin’.
I know, right? We are experiencing the fall of our democracy and they concluded they should talk about healthcare.
We have been asking them to talk about healthcare for a long time but Jesus Christ, now is not the time to start. It’s like they’re trying to lose and it’s infuriating to watch.
The incompetence is astounding.
Dear imperial news… Congress isn’t “sidelined”. They’re actively working together and getting paid as usual.
unwilling or unsure
Nono. Most of them are getting exactly what they want.
Good. A kid with a gun is still a kid, and needs to be treated like one.
I feel like the actual problem is a system that gives guns to man babies who are far worse than kids.
System didn’t do that. The voters did.
Good on those who are making a stand, but know that no one is coming to save us. We have only ourselves to blame.