Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Andrew Cuomo and Bill Clinton both have a lengthy list of sexual misconduct allegations against them. But as long as they’re politically useful, top Democrats don’t seem to care.
Yeah. I’m not a realist by any means — if anything, I’m a constructivist and I think we can do better — but power exists. It may make me vomit in my own mouth and want to become a realist and sock someone but we can do better.
It’s like that Jesus guy said: washing hoes feet will get you to Heaven. (I don’t think he said those exact words but you know Mary Magdalene’s feet were clean and smelling fresh. Anointed with fragrances and oils and everything. Jesus loved feet.)
tarantino is Jesus confirmed
Don’t mess with the Jesus, man.
i dont think theres evidence of mary magdalene being a prostitute, i believe this misunderstanding came about due to mistranslations of ‘young woman’ or ‘unmarried woman’ or somthing.
Edit: Jesus washed her feet because they both were fantastic at cuddling and they were in a healthy platonic relationship where boundaries were clearly expressed and respected. It was sweet.