ron desantis is the guy who sues disney for some fucking reason
andrew tate is the guy who sold an online university centered around being a rapist.
scratch that, andrew tate is a rapist.
let’s ask the gov’t of romania
I’m a Florida resident. Ron DeSantis sucks. Let me preface it. However, about 1-2x a year he does something that actually doesn’t suck.
Every broken clock is right twice a day, more than Ron the santis
I wouldn’t be surprised if DeSantis is actually afraid Tate could take his job
I’d say a rapist could never be a leader… oh.
Well he is term limited as governor, Tate is perfectly aligned with republican values (raped countless women) and he’s famous.
You might be on to something!
“a broken clock is right twice a day”
Florida just got rid of one pedo/rapist. He doesn’t want a replacement.
Oh no! Republicans are NOT going to like That!
Is Florida finally at maximum capacity for rapists and weirdos?
its called virtue/performative signalling, he will probably quietly allow them into the state when all the news blows over.
The bar was raised while Tate was in Romania. He’s gonna have to step it up to fit in now. A couple of swastika neck tattoos ought to do it.
You may be on to something. maybe there’s a branigan’s law about rapists and pedophiles in Florida. Once you hit a certain limit the state just stops accepting new ones.
Trump must be back at Mar-A-Lago rn
Trump’s quotes are indistinguishable from Brannigan’s. There’s even gameified versions of this online
I hear Washington DC is taking applications
Do I hear Secretary of Women’s Health?
Seems like there’s a lot of room for that in FL.
Trump will probably give them cabinets posts, they seem suitably qualified to join his inner circle.
Department of human trafficking control
Likely he will get some labor rights related stuff, then will help in gutting worker’s protections in the name of “Hustle culture”, after that he will take the blame for the fallout and land into some another position.
Weird, he’s their exact target market…???
I wouldve figured he’d be hiring him as his campaign manager.
man when you’re too terrible for Florida conservatives to want you there, you know you’re a terrible person
What a weird conflict. I don’t know who I want to win. Is it possible for them both to lose somehow? Like some kind of -1 sum game?
Send tate to florida. Then get out a saw, and cut Florida away and into the Ocean. Then use ropes to connect Hawaii and Alaska to the mainland.
Now you can claim that only connected states can be states. Also, international no fly, no sail zone 300 miles around florida at any time. No one leaves.
Careful with that saw. There are allies there still.
As long as the electoral college exists, it really doesn’t matter, sadly.
Fair enough. We should make it matter.
Too late. Dictatorships don’t do reforms.
What if we ask even more nicely this time?
That’s Hillsborough County not Tampa the city, that goes Republican. We are pretty progressive inside the city but the sprawling county has enough people to drown us out.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I’m not calling out people based on their county. I just pulled an electoral map because it’s a quick way to point out that Florida is potentially a purple state. It’s got a lot of people supporting civil rights and other progressive goals. I don’t want to see it sawed off and abandoned to its gerrymandered leadership. That’s what I was trying to communicate.
The only way in or out is via gay party boat ferry.
With rescued immigrants onboard
Bugs had the right idea in 1949.
That’s the T Rex option. Like when your two least favorite teams are playing and you want them both to lose. T Rex takes them all out.
I’m not saying I’m against it, but how do we get a live T. Rex and put it in a position to solve this problem for us?
You scientists always arguing woulds and never the shoulds. 😑
They’re discussing the “how” tho
Well, a broken clock is right twice a day
Mine just says 88:88.
Florida’s clock keeps blinking 14:88 for some reason…
Good to see Romania is deporting criminal immigrants
…Trump-hating [Ron DeSantis] has disgraced himself by stating that [Andrew Tate] and [Tristan Tate] are not welcome in Florida!"
Did I miss something? Since when do DeSantis and Trump not align on their shit values?
But also, I mean, it doesn’t have to be said, but fuck all of them with a chainsaw.
Well, their recruitment along with the Silk Road guy is all part of Trump’s plans to start massive human trafficking and drug trafficking organizations. He needs their expertise in human trafficking so he forced Romania to let them come here.
The current node for human trafficking, to help cover where people are being sent, is Guantanamo (and Panama). That’s Ron’s old stomping grounds. And while I think he’s cool with torture of “terrorists,” he’s not so into mass rape of women, egg farming, genocide to grave rob America. I think he also got freaked out by the Les Miserable song at the Governor’s Ball (he cowered) and all the loud loud pushback he’s experiencing from people calling in constantly to complain and also the protests.
Or maybe he’s just mad they took the spot he wanted.
You sound like my mom talking about Qanon lol
Does Qanon cite NPR? NBC? Do you know how to tell what a reputable source is?
Ever think QAnon was a psyop to muddy the waters for THESE fucking plans? QAnon started in 2017, around the time Manafort was arrested for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign
Putin had time and a lot of resources to plan this. The CIA files alone being clawed through by Tulsi (a known Russian asset) likely are deeply personal to him and may even mention him, friends, or old enemies. There’s mountains of evidence from reputable people (not something obviously fake like QAnon), which I have linked in my original post.
Like idk man, it’s just denial on your part here. I hope what’s coming doesn’t surprise you too hard.
Except this isn’t so far fetched. Trump was friends with epstein what makes you think he doesn’t want another place to rape women freely?
That’s an odd way of spelling “little girls”
Oh right thanks. I should have definitely said that.
They align on their values but DeSantis considers himself Trump’s rival for the presidency.
That’s what makes his anti-Tate stance exceedingly cute, on so many levels. Not only does he lack the power or will or conviction of his words, but no-one one either side gives two shits what DeSantis has to say on this topic, or any other.
What I’m hearing is the Dems are going to nominate him for their 2028 attempt.
He won’t switch parties. They’ll just pick him anyways.
I want to hate that you’re right, but what I really hate any more is all the surprised butthurt that will surely be coming for your comment before long. Country and Party full of Ostriches at work.
Well, the hilarious thing is, that DeSantis can side with the state’s rights crew of NY, Maine, Washington, California so far, and he could also have his attorney generals or other people mess with Trump legally for taxes or other issues, eg Mar A Lago. He actually very much could be a headache for Trump just like he was for Disney.
Worst case scenario if we get to civil war part 2 it may give another front for the Trump loyalist to deal with, ill gladly fight side by side with a Floridian. Not literally mind you I’m Californian.
He tried to be a headache for Disney. He accomplished, really, nothing of note. The worst he could do to Disney would just fuck over his state.
What? They sure went to the right country.
They belong thereI have no idea who Andrew Tate is. So I looked him up on Wikipedia, and he seems like the kind of awful person who would be a darling of the MAGAsphere.
Could someone explain to me why DeSantis doesn’t want him then?
Desantis has make a huge show of “stopping human traffickers” and there’s no way he can welcome them without being called out on hypocrisy. He can pass this off as a “White House thing” and try to keep his position.
Being called out on hypocrisy has never stopped a conservative before. Hell, it’s practically required.
This is the most confusing part of the situation.
DeSatan is no voice of reason, so it’s a play for personal protection or gain… somehow. What do they know about Tate that’s so much worse than the average MAGA?
So then why was he fine working and knowing Matt Gaetz committed statutory rape and paid for those women to cross state lines. He should have been actively campaigning for him not to be a Florida Congress member.
Because caring about a thing and making a show of caring about the thing are two completely different things.
Sorry, bud, Florida says you’re too rapey even for them
On an unrelated note, does anyone else think that Tristan looks like Romanian Ryan Reynolds?
They’re not Romanian, they’re US-British. They just moved to Romania because they thought police are less likely to investigate sexual assault cases there.
why is andrew tate even relevant, i dont know who he is aside from he hates women
I never figured out why Paris Hilton’s sex tape was relevant at the time. Before the sex tape she wasn’t a public figure, or a celebrity. She was just daughter to the Hilton hotels founder. So why would anyone treat THIS sex tape like the Pam Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape? Pam and Tommy were both celebrities BEFORE the tape was leaked. But Paris? Nobody knew who she was.
Or the same thing with the Kardashians. Nobody knew them before the sex tape. I still don’t know why people would care about them.
I guess what I’m asking here, is did tate ever have a sex tape leaked where some guy came all over his face while he was sucking it off? Apperently if you leak that sex tape, even talentless hacks can become celebrities.
Although…fair play to Paris. She’s actually quite smart and doesn’t deserve to be labeled in the same camp as tate.