Their racism runs so deep you can’t even say a color.
Living Adult
I’ve got to go on a
trans-pacific flight in a few weeks:Inhales:
- accessible
- activism
- activists
- advocacy
- advocate
- advocates
- affirming care
- all-inclusive
- allyship
- anti-racism
- antiracist
- assigned at birth
- assigned female at birth
- assigned male at birth
- at risk
- barrier
- barriers
- belong
- bias
- biased
- biased toward
- biases
- biases towards
- biologically female
- biologically male
- Black
- breastfeed + people
- breastfeed + person
- chestfeed + people
- chestfeed + person
- clean energy
- climate crisis
- climate science
- commercial sex worker
- community diversity
- community equity
- confirmation bias
- cultural competence
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- cultural sensitivity
- culturally appropriate
- culturally responsive
- disabilities
- disability
- discriminated
- discrimination
- discriminatory
- disparity
- diverse
- diverse backgrounds
- diverse communities
- diverse community
- diverse group
- diverse groups
- diversified
- diversify
- diversifying
- diversity
- enhance the diversity
- enhancing diversity
- environmental quality
- equal opportunity
- equality
- equitable
- equitableness
- equity
- ethnicity
- excluded
- exclusion
- expression
- female
- females
- feminism
- fostering inclusivity
- gender
- gender based
- gender based violence
- gender diversity
- gender identity
- gender ideology
- gender-affirming care
- genders
- Gulf of Mexico
- hate speech
- health disparity
- health equity
- hispanic minority
- historically
- identity
- immigrants
- implicit bias
- implicit biases
- inclusion
- inclusive
- inclusive leadership
- inclusiveness
- inclusivity
- increase diversity
- increase the diversity
- indigenous community
- inequalities
- inequality
- inequitable
- inequities
- inequity
- injustice
- institutional
- intersectional
- intersectionality
- key groups
- key people
- key populations
- Latinx
- marginalize
- marginalized
- men who have sex with men
- mental health
- minorities
- minority
- most risk
- multicultural
- Mx
- Native American
- non-binary
- nonbinary
- oppression
- oppressive
- orientation
- people + uterus
- people-centered care
- person-centered
- person-centered care
- polarization
- political
- pollution
- pregnant people
- pregnant person
- pregnant persons
- prejudice
- privilege
- privileges
- promote diversity
- promoting diversity
- pronoun
- pronouns
- prostitute
- race
- race and ethnicity
- racial
- racial diversity
- racial identity
- racial inequality
- racial justice
- racially
- racism
- segregation
- sense of belonging
- sex
- sexual preferences
- sexuality
- social justice
- sociocultural
- socioeconomic
- status
- stereotype
- stereotypes
- systemic
- systemically
- they/them
- trans
- transgender
- transsexual
- trauma
- traumatic
- tribal
- unconscious bias
- underappreciated
- underprivileged
- underrepresentation
- underrepresented
- underserved
- undervalued
- victim
- victims
- vulnerable populations
- women
- women and underrepresented
This is like, at least 2 cuills past the “are we the baddies” meme
Edit: I’m so glad some people know about cuills lol
When the government bans the word “injustice” you should be shitting yourself no matter how racist/sexist/transphobic you are. Justice matters to straight white men too.
What is the source for this list, please?
I need to share it with conservatives and listen to them try to justify it.
Source is the New York Times as referenced in the posted article. Here is an archived link so you can read it without a paywall.
thank you!
sexuality is a scary word here
I’d argue that any time any word is banned by any government, it’s scary.
All of the above words must be replaced with “Aladeen”.
I’ll have to watch that movie. But for now, I’m just going to fucking speak my mind.
Healthy actually can be said but they have a much different definition of it.
What can’t be said is illness, disease, frailty.
Trump himself sees disease, old age, and frailty as weakness. It’s part of why he is so obsessed with arguing that he is actually young and healthy.
So old age should be on your list as well. In his mind, he is immortal.
In his mind, he is immortal.
So, barely surviving COVID only compounded that?
If reports are true that he wanted to rip his shirt open to reveal a Superman t-shirt underneath… yeah.
Trump planned to be wheeled out of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he went after testing positive for COVID-19 in 2020, before standing up and opening his button-down shirt to reveal the Superman logo, according to Haberman’s book “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.” Axios reported on Haberman’s book’s coverage of the incident, and the Times initially reported calls made about the appearance in 2020.
That would explain the whole “Justice League” thing during the elections.
Most powerful nation in the world, poor should not be in our vocabulary. :(
oh man. he’s going to do it, isn’t he? placing bets now, trump will say “nigger” in some official government setting.
He looks like a bitter old fuck. Same expression my grandma always had.
It’s “Dark White”